Title I

Title 1 is the largest federally funded education program in the United States.  Authorized by Congress, it provides supplemental funds to school districts to assist eligible public and private schools with the highest student concentration of poverty to meet school educational goals. The Title I law requires the meaningful involvement of parents in school-level planning, development, and design of initiatives to improve student achievement supported by Title I funds.

How are Title I funds used?

The purpose of Title I in Goshen Community Schools is to assist schools in improving student achievement, staff development, and parental involvement. All Goshen Community Schools receiving Title I funds are district schools operating as Schoolwide Programs. Schools utilize Title I funds to enhance the regular district instructional program. Our Title I schools use these supplemental funds to:

  • add highly qualified staff,
  • support parent and community involvement efforts,
  • improve staff development,
  • purchase additional instructional materials and supplies,
  • add technology and needed equipment.

Parents’ Right to Know

Dear Parents and Guardians:

In accordance with the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, Section 1111(h)(6), this is a notification, for the 2022-2023 school year, from Goshen Community Schools to every parent of a student in a Title I school that you have the right to request and receive information in a timely manner regarding the professional qualifications of your student’s classroom teachers. This information regarding the professional qualifications of your student’s classroom teachers shall include the following:

  • If the teacher has met state qualification and licensing criteria for the grade level and subject areas taught;
  • If the teacher is teaching under emergency or temporary status in which Indiana qualifications and licensing criteria are waived;
  • The teacher’s bachelor’s degree major, graduate certification, and field of discipline; and
  • Whether the student is provided services by paraprofessionals, and if so, their qualifications.

If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Tracey Noe at 574-533-8631.


Tracey Noe
Assistant Superintendent

Complaint Procedure

A parent who is dissatisfied in some way with the Title I program should follow the following procedures.

If a parent has a complaint about the Title I services offered at his/her child’s school, the parent should:

  1. Contact the child’s Title I or classroom teacher to discuss the situation. The parent may request that the school literacy coordinator, the child’s classroom teacher, the Title I teacher, and/or the school principal be involved in a discussion of the issue. After discussing the issue, if the problem is not resolved,
  2. Contact the Title I literacy coordinator and/or the principal in the school building to discuss the issue. After discussing the issue, if the problem has not been resolved, the parent may
  3. Contact the Title I Coordinator for Goshen Community Schools to discuss the issue. The Title I Coordinator will meet with the parent and the pertinent building staff to attempt to resolve the issue. If, after the meeting, the problem has not been resolved, the parent may
  4. Contact the Superintendent of Schools, who will meet with the parent and pertinent staff to attempt to resolve the issue. If, after the meeting, the issue has not been resolved, the parent may
  5. Request a meeting with the Goshen Community Schools Board of Education to resolve the issue.

Title I staff who receive a written or verbal complaint about Title I services should follow these steps:

  1. Document the complaint with the date, contact information of the parent, name of Title I service the child receives (if applicable), nature of complaint, and resolution (or lack thereof),
  2. Forward a copy of the complaint documentation to the parent, the pertinent teacher(s) Literacy Coordinator, Principal, and the Corporation Title I Coordinator,
  3. Work with parents to resolve the problem in a timely manner,
  4. Continue serving the child unless parents request otherwise, and
  5. Participate in further parent or staff meetings to resolve the issue, as requested.