Identification Process
Goshen Community Schools identification process begins in Kindergarten and continues through 5th Grade. There are different assessments done throughout the year per grade. Below is a monthly timeline showing what assessments are given per grade.
Goshen Community Schools is committed to include all students in the identification process. The goal of our high-ability identification process is to use a multifaceted identification process to identify students who match Indiana’s definition of a high-ability student.
Goshen Community Schools recognizes that some students perform at, or show the potential to perform at, an outstanding level of accomplishment in the core academic areas of language arts and mathematics. These students are found in all socio-economic, cultural, and ethnic backgrounds, and the school district recognizes the need to identify such students through systematic, ongoing procedures.
High Ability Identification Timeline
Goshen Community Schools identifies High Ability learners through the use of multiple layers of data sources.
- Mid-November: All parent and school requests for testing are due. Paperwork must be submitted to the school counselor prior to consideration for testing. The form can be found here.
- Late November- early December: Students scoring in the 80th percentile or better on the Fall NWEA are given the opportunity to participate in the CogAT screener in grades 2, 4, and 6.
- Mid-December: Students scoring 85% or above on the Screener are given the post-screener.
- Early February: All Kindergarten students are given the CogAt assessment.
- Mid-March: Results from all testing will be evaluated by a multi-faceted corporation-level identification team. (Teachers, Administrators, EL Director)
- At times student identification warrants further examination of the data and then parents and teachers are asked to complete a Scale for Identifying Gifted Students (SIGS) identification committee. All data points are then combined to complete identification.
- Mid-April: Parents and/or guardians will be notified of the identification results by letter.
- Mid-April – April 28: Appeals process initiated with completion by April 28. If a child is not identified then the parents can request and appeal the decision. The appeals packet is below.
Appeals Process