GHS Modified Testing Day Schedule ( Disponible en español)
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On April 23rd, 24th, 25th, and 26th some students at Goshen High School will be taking required state ISTEP, ECA, and ILEARN tests. Because only selected students must take the exam, the rest of the students will participate in online learning partial days. This means that all students who are testing should arrive at their normal time. All other students do not have to arrive at GHS until 10:45 a.m. However, all students not testing will have assignments that need to be completed on their computer. These late start online learning days only apply to students who are not testing. If you are not certain if your child needs to participate in either test, please have them check with their SRT teacher, Guidance or the main office.
If your child rides a bus, the busses will run at the normal times. Students who are not testing will be allowed to work on the online assignment or other homework in the cafeteria. There will be no delayed buses those mornings. Again, if students choose not to arrive until 10:45 a.m., they will be responsible for their own transportation.
These alternate schedules are put in place to help provide an excellent testing environment. Please feel free to contact the principal or any of the assistant principals if you have questions. Their email addresses are found below. Thank you for your cooperation regarding the change in schedule on these days.
Dr. Barry Younghans
Mr. Brian Bechtel (9th Grade)
Mrs. Cathy DeMeyer (10th Grade)
Mr. Jim Pickard (11th Grade)
Mr. Dan Butler (12th Grade)