Goshen Community Schools Band Program

Welcome to the Goshen Community Schools Band Program! As a member, you will embark on one of the most enriching experiences high school can offer. The directors and staff are very excited about your love for music and willingness to be a part of this experience with us.

Our group is driven by a desire to set new standards of excellence and to maintain a strong tradition that will last for years to come. Being a member of such an organization can be both incredibly challenging and immensely rewarding. Experience has shown us that the more our members are willing to accept and face the challenges in front of us, the more rewarding our time together will be. Band is a unique subject that fosters knowledge, friendship, teamwork, self-discipline, and responsibility that will benefit you for the rest of your life.


Josh Kaufman
GHS Co-Director of Bands

Tom Cox
GHS Co-Director of Bands

Max Johnson
GIS/GJHS Band Director max.johnson@goshenschools.org

Max Mault
GJHS Asst. Director

Matt James
Percussion Director

We are lucky and proud to have a dedicated group of parents and volunteers to support the endeavors of our organization. The Goshen High School Band Boosters are made up of parents and volunteers that value the importance of music in our students’ lives. Any student or parent of a student in band is automatically considered a Band Booster. Our program cannot achieve success without the help of people like you! We need your help! If you are interested in helping, please attend our Booster meetings. Meeting dates usually occur the 1st Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in the HS music area. See the band Facebook page for exact times and location. We need active parents for our band program to be successful! Please become involved and support your child by coming to the band booster meetings!.

You can follow the Goshen Band Boosters on Facebook.

Contact Information

  • President – Jason Harrison – jason.edward.harrison@gmail.com
  • Vice President 1 – Cory Witmer – c.d.witmer@gmail.com
  • Vice President 2 – Sarah Ennis – sarahennis82@gmail.com
  • Treasurer – Jon Weishaupt – jonathanweishaupt@gmail.com
  • Secretary – Gretchen Morningstar – gretchen@lgmstar.com


GHS Band Boosters
PO Box 1076
Goshen, IN 46527-1076
The Goshen High School Band Program is:
  • the largest student organization at Goshen High School
  • a comprehensive look at learning, performing, composing and thinking about music:
  • many different performing ensembles and music classes: marching band, concert band, symphonic band, wind ensemble, crimson jazz ensemble, advanced crimson jazz ensemble, winter percussion ensembles, winter guards, pep bands, backing ensemble for annual musical, symphonic orchestra, chamber/small-group ensembles
  • an exciting and fun way to prepare for life outside of high school: band is for the development of character, humanity, and a sense of teamwork, not solely to train future musicians; band teaches us to be part of a team and community, learn how to effectively manage time, learn how to work towards individual and common (shared) goals, strengthen ourselves physically, mentally and emotionally through practice, performances and competitions.
All students and parents are expected to review the GHS Bands Organizational Handbook. Included in the handbook but not limited to:
  • Contact information
  • Student code of conduct
  • Financial Responsibilities
  • Fundraising Opportunities
  • Instrument Rental information
  • Uniform Guidelines

Marching Band

Students who participate in the high school band program are expected to participate in marching band. This co-curricular (during the school day plus outside of the school day) activity includes all members of the jazz ensembles, wind ensemble, symphonic band, concert band, and color guard class. Our marching band teaches students the fundamentals and skills necessary for success in our unique ensembles, including character education that will benefit the student throughout their whole life. We are proud that the group is competitive with the top 25 marching bands in the United States and is among the elite marching bands in Indiana. This ensemble is unquestionably the most visible performance group in the high school. Marching band is usually active from June through the first half of November, and includes performances at all home football games as well as state and national-level competitions.

Wind Ensemble

The Wind Ensemble is our highest level concert band at Goshen and has been a State Finalist for many years. This ensemble meets during 7th period during the second semester. Comprised of the most talented performers at GHS, membership in the group requires an audition for the directors. The audition will be during class time in May. The Wind Ensemble performs in concerts at GHS and outside of school at competitions, festivals and showcases. Members are expected to devote outside time to mastering their instrument and music, as this ensemble performs at a highly advanced level. Students may be required to attend sectionals outside of the normal school day. Participants in Wind Ensemble also represent the band program in marching band, pep band, as well as the symphonic orchestra.

Symphonic Band

The Symphonic Band is our second concert band at GHS and meets 6th period during the second semester. Membership in the group requires an audition for the directors. The audition will be during class time in May. The Symphonic Band performs in concerts at GHS and outside of school at competitions, festivals and showcases. This ensemble focuses on developing the fundamentals of quality musicianship, including tone production, technical skills, intonation, music reading skills, listening skills and understanding the role of a performer. Members are expected to devote outside time to mastering their instrument and music, as this ensemble performs at a highly advanced level. Students may be required to attend sectionals outside of the normal school day. Participants in Symphonic Band also represent the band program in marching band, pep band, as well as the symphonic orchestra.

Concert Band (2nd Semester)

The Concert Band is our third concert band at GHS and meets 5th period during the second semester. Membership of this group is primarily 9th graders, but the instrumentation will be balanced with the other bands. The Concert Band performs in concerts at GHS and outside of school at competitions, festivals and showcases. This ensemble focuses on developing the fundamentals of quality musicianship, including tone production, technical skills, intonation, music reading skills, listening skills and understanding the role of a performer. Members are expected to devote outside time to mastering their instrument and music. Students may be required to attend sectionals outside of the normal school day. Participants in Concert Band also represent the band program in marching band, pep band, as well as the symphonic orchestra.

Pep Band(s)

There are currently 2 pep bands. Like the marching band, our pep bands are a very visible component of our program, and give us the opportunity to represent our school pride at home basketball games. As an extension of the Jazz Band, Concert Band, Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble, freshman, sophomore, and junior members are required to participate in 4-5 pep band performances each winter. These required performances will be part of the band class grade. Seniors have the option of participating if they wish. Information about Pep Band will be discussed in class in November.

Jazz Ensembles

There are two jazz ensembles at Goshen. Both the 3rd period Crimson Jazz Ensemble and the 4th period Advanced Crimson Jazz Ensemble are curricular activities that meet during the school day for academic credit. Membership in each Jazz Ensemble requires an audition for the directors. Both groups perform outside of school at competitions, festivals and showcases. Each student has to be in one of our three concert bands (or orchestras) to be in one of the jazz bands. Guitar and piano players are encouraged to be in a band, choir, or orchestra.

The percussion ensembles are extracurricular groups that practice and compete in the winter months. They perform at Indiana Percussion Association (state level) competitions and Winter Guard International (national level) events. Participation in the Crimson Percussion Ensembles costs extra (fundraising is expected), and requires significant work outside of school. All members of the percussion section are welcome to audition after the marching band season ends. Each student has to be in one of our three concert bands to be in a percussion ensemble. Wind players may audition for and be part of the winter percussion ensemble. However, all wind instrumentalists will play their primary wind instrument in all band classes, including marching band. Wind players will not be allowed to switch to percussion permanently and must spend a majority of their time on their primary wind instrument. The Winter Percussion Ensemble has won 8 state championships and 2 national championships.


Members of the program who participate in music by adding visual impact and color to a musical performance or composition through challenging equipment work, dancing, and marching are the Color Guard. During the first semester, this group meets separately during the school day in 6th period as a Dance and Choreography class. The guard participates with the marching band during the summer and fall. Starting in November Winter Guard practices begin. GHS has three winter guards that are completely extracurricular during the winter, where they perform at Indiana High School Color Guard Association and Winter Guard International competitions and related events. Participation in Winter Guard costs extra (fundraising is expected), and requires significant work outside of school. All members of the Color Guard are welcome to audition for the Winter Guard after the marching band season ends. The Varsity and Junior Varsity Winter Guards are consistent top 10 finishers at the Indiana High School Color Guard Association’s State Finals.

Students at Goshen Junior High are able to continue their musical journey and prepare themselves for the High School band program. Here students will continue mastering their chosen instruments and participate in multiple concerts throughout the school year.

  • Winter Band Concert
  • Spring Pops Concert

Some students, with permission from the GHS Band directors, are able to participate in the Marching Band and Winter Percussion.

The summer prior to 6th grade, students in Goshen Intermediate School may begin exploring the world of Band and finding the instrument that matches them the best.  Our staff strives to bring the best out of your students while allowing them the space to grow into the instrument they have chosen.

Students in the 6th-grade band will be required to perform in multiple performances throughout the year as part of their course grades.

Important Yearly Events:
  • Summer band
  • Winter Concert
  • Spring Concert
  • May - incoming 6th-grade instrument sign-up

Indiana State School Music Association (ISSMA), Indiana Percussion Association (IPA), Indiana High School Color Guard Association (IHSCGA), Winter Guard International (WGI), Music for All/Bands of America (MFA/BOA)

Our band program belongs to several other organizations that enable our students to participate in contests/performances. ISSMA is the largest sponsor of state-sanctioned music events. Things such as solo and ensemble contest, concert band contests, jazz band contests, and marching band contests are run by ISSMA. In late May, ISSMA sets the numbers that determine our marching band classification. Historically, Goshen has been one of the smallest class A (the largest class) or largest class B high schools that has a competitive marching band. Our marching band will also compete nationally in the Bands of America (BOA) Regionals this fall. We also compete in the BOA Grand National Championships once every 3-4 years. Our winter guards compete in the IHSCGA and WGI circuits and the percussion ensemble competes in both the IPA and WGI percussion circuits. As you can see we plan to have our students compete with Indiana groups and groups from around the United States. We want our students to become outstanding performers and learners.