Chamberlain Parent Nights
The way Chamberlain Parent Liaison Pamela Hernandez has done Family Night activities this year has been a bit different because of COVID-19. For parent nights, she sends a flyer home with the students, giving families instructions of what they will do, and she also makes an instructional video that teachers post on Canvas.
For September, Chamberlain had a Tech Night. Ms. Hernandez filmed videos showing families how to get on Canvas, navigate Canvas, troubleshoot from home, and learn how to get on Zoom. The flyers students received asked for families to write down something they learned from the videos. If Ms. Hernandez received the flyers back, students received a cool little prize. Some families also sent pictures of themselves watching the videos to Ms. Hernandez.
For October, Chamberlain had an Art Night. The event was planned around Fall Break, so that families had the week to work on the Art Project. Ms. Hernandez got inspiration from the book Look What I Did with a Leaf! by Morteza E. Sohi. She sent a flyer home with students giving them instructions and made videos which were posted on Canvas. The videos showed students how to press leaves and provided some examples of animals she had created. The staff voted for the top three projects once they returned from fall break, and the kids were really excited about the projects. Attached are some pictures of the winners’ posters for the event and the school bulletin board with all the student work.
Thank you, Pamela Hernandez, for inspiring families with great ideas for Family Night activities!